Even the P.A. Italian adapts to evolution.
In terms of e-commerce, Italian companies (Sole Trader or Company) and foreign companies that have a permanent establishment in Italy are subject to Italian tax legislation.
E-commerce operations must be carried out exclusively electronically.
Below is the tax documentation and necessary electronic tools:
- register of fees;
- register of invoices issued
- telematic recorder
- electronic terminal for storing data, invoices etc…
In application of Legislative Decree no. 127/2015 articles. 2 et seq. starting from 1 January 2017 the cash register was abolished. The telematic recorder will be used instead. At the time of each commercial operation, whether the relevant invoice is issued or not, the telematic recorder automatically transmits the transaction data to the Italian Revenue Agency.
On a monthly or quarterly basis, the company must draw up and send to the Revenue Agency:
a) the electronic declaration with the details of the daily operations;
b) tax payment (VAT).
Large-scale distribution companies that have a point of sale of at least 150 m2 in municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants and 250 m2 in municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, as well as companies that are part of a corporate group with a volume of annual business (the whole Group) of at least €10 million.
Milano, May 19th 2017.
Avv. Giovanni Babino